When I was in college I did a series of opera posters for a class assignment. I had these grandiose visions of how they would turn out...

Inktober 2018 - The Assassin
This kind of character makes a lot of appearances in other stories that I've played with over the years. I wonder what that says about

Inktober 2018 - The Monster in the Mirror
Mirrors seem to be the perfect symbol for illusions. Looking into a mirror and seeing MORE than your reality reflected back at you, that

Inktober 2018 - the Werewolf
I read something about men being cursed by God to live as wolves. Years later, to redeem themselves, they'd go down into hell to battle
Let Inktober Begin
I'm going to try and do Inktober this year. Again. I'm trying to keep my expectations low, but . . . We know how that always works
Art + Social Media
So I guess . . . [my question is] is social media necessary to establish yourself as an artist in today's society?

My Moleskine Cahier Project(s)
I would like to point out that I outline most of my proposed projects. I've already sketched out what I want to do for Inktober this ye

Long Overdue Update: The Art is Enough
...Sometimes you have to do things even if you don't feel like it, even if your motivations aren't sound or admirable, because it

Practice Makes Perfect
I made a video of a watercolor sketch I did. #watercolor #sketch #sketchbook #drawing

Vlog Entry No. 5
So this is the latest blog entry #YouTube #SelfReflection